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  1. Advancing Semiconductor Polymer Patterning: Analysis and predictive modelling of micro-patterns achieved via photothermal lithography, M. Jha, J. M. Santiana, M. Hong, E. Vong, S. Ahmadi, H. Manikantan & A. Moule, ACS Applied Polymer Materials (2024).
  2. Bubble ascent and rupture in mud volcanoes, M. L. Rudolph, K. C. Sahu, N. Savva, A. Szilagyi, Z. Horvölgyi, P. Marton, A. Tajti, K. Szep, B. Balog, M. K. Tripathi, H. Manikantan, F. L. Forray, M. Manga & P. Hantz, Royal Society Open Science, 11, 231555 (2024).
  3. Stability of a dispersion of elongated particles embedded in a viscous membrane, H. Manikantan, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 987, R4 (2024).
  4. Cross-streamline migration and near-wall depletion of elastic fibers in micro-channel flows, T. M. Nguyen & H. Manikantan, Soft Matter, 20, 1725-1735 (2024).
  5. Stability and thinning of liquid jets in the presence of soluble surfactant, J. Li & H. Manikantan, Journal of Chemical Physics, 160, 024902 (2024).
    → selected into the 2023 Emerging Investigators Special Collection.
  6. Hydrodynamic aggregation of membrane inclusions due to non-Newtonian surface rheology, V. Vig & H. Manikantan, Physics of Fluids, 35, 063110 (2023).
  7. Flow-Induced Buckling of Elastic Microfilaments with Non-Uniform Bending Stiffness, T. Nguyen & H. Manikantan, Frontiers in Soft Matter, 2, 977729 (2023).
  8. Influence of interfacial rheology on viscous fingering, J. Li & H. Manikantan, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 074001 (2021).
  9. Tunable collective dynamics of active inclusions in viscous membranes, H. Manikantan, Physical Review Letters, 125, 268101 (2020).
  10. Surfactant dynamics: hidden variables controlling fluid flows, H. Manikantan & T. M. Squires, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 892, P1 (2020). (invited perspective review)
  11. Irreversible particle motion in surfactant-laden interfaces due to pressure-dependent surface viscosity, H. Manikantan & T. M. Squires, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 473 0346 (2017).
  12. Pressure-dependent surface viscosity and its surprising consequences in interfacial lubrication flows, H. Manikantan & T. M. Squires, Physical Review Fluids 2, 023301 (2017).
  13. Effect of flexibility on the growth of concentration fluctuations in a suspension of sedimenting fibers: Particle simulations, H. Manikantan & D. Saintillan, Physics of Fluids 28, 013303 (2016).
  14. Buckling transition of a semiflexible filament in extensional flow, H. Manikantan & D. Saintillan, Physical Review E 92, 041002 (2015).
  15. The instability of a sedimenting suspension of weakly flexible fibres, H. Manikantan, L. Li, S. E.. Spagnolie, & D. Saintillan, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 756, 935 (2014).
  16. The sedimentation of flexible filaments, L. Li, H. Manikantan, D. Saintillan, & S. E.. Spagnolie, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 735, 705 (2013).
  17. Subdiffusive transport of fluctuating elastic filaments in cellular flows, H. Manikantan & D. Saintillan, Physics of Fluids 25, 073603 (2013).